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Body Care






It all started when I chose an alternative lifestyle to avoid a major surgery due to an illness triggered by chemical exposure. I chose an organic diet to nourish my body and used plant based cleansers for my home to reduce chemical exposure from the environment. But I couldn't find body care products free of chemicals. I yearned to find products free of ingredients on labels that I could not pronounce. So I chose to create UmaGlow products made with gifts the earth yields: wholesome products made with earth ingredients free of harmful chemicals.

earth ingredients





“Transparency to improve your life”

% Earth Ingredients is the amount of natural, real earth ingredients with inherent healthy and wholesome qualities that provides nourishment and/or beautification to the body and are free of harmful chemicals.

You deserve to know what you are putting on your skin, which is the largest organ of your body.

UmaGlow promises our products are made with greater than 90% earth ingredients and we provide this numeric percentage on the bottom of every jar.



Our CEO is a passionate advocate for transparency of “earth ingredients" vs. chemicals in cosmetics products. She is a natural-born engineer degreed from an Ivy League institution with over 25 years in the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. She holds notable ASQ industry certifications in engineering and quality compliance. Her personal experience with the effects of chemical exposure inspired her to develop her own cosmetics formulations to provide a wholesome and loving alternative to the chemically infused lotions and creams that are commonly found in stores nationwide. Lori-Ann believes everyone deserves the opportunity to choose the best for their body and invest in long-term quality of living. Our CEO is honored to have the opportunity to "Help You Love You" by offering products to take care of yourself from the outside in.

Lori-Ann Archer, Founder & CEO of UmaGlow